CANCELLATION POLICY: We understand that unavoidable circumstances arise and appointments have to be cancelled or rescheduled. Cancellations or rescheduling needs to be made {24 hours} prior to your appointment or we reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee of 50% of the missed or late rescheduled session (100% for studio rentals), and will require that future bookings to be paid in full in advance. This includes reduction of hours for a session already existing on our calendar.
SMOKING POLICY: Tobacco products are NOT permitted any wherein our facility. We will impose a fine of $250 and restrict client from booking with us again. Medical Marijuana is permitted in the control rooms of the studios only. NO smoking in the booth around the microphones. NO smoking in the reception. NO smoking in the parking lot. We will impose a fine of $250 and restrict client from booking with us again.
GUN POLICY: Clients are not permitted to openly carry or carry conceal any weapons in our facility without proper registration and licensing. Clients that wish to bring any form of firearm into our studio must present their carry conceal license for Executive Studios to keep on file (we will take a picture of it). Otherwise, keep your gun at home or in your car.